Watch: Ex-GUNS N' ROSES Guitarist GILBY CLARKE Performs In San Diego

June 23, 2024

The Eclipse YouTube channel has uploaded video of Gilby Clarke's June 19 concert at the House Of Blues in San Diego, California as the support act for THE DEAD DAISIES. Check out the clips below.

Clarke rose to acclaim in the hard rock scene, starting his career in the '80s as a guitarist in the Polygram Records band CANDY. Gilby then went on to form KILL FOR THRILLS, for which he was the main songwriter, singer, and guitarist. In 1991, during the "Use Your Illusion" tour, Clarke started playing live with GUNS N' ROSES after Izzy Stradlin left the band.

GUNS N' ROSES led into the beginning of a long, fruitful solo career that has still been peppered with excellent collaborations — SLASH'S SNAKEPIT, HEART and Nancy Sinatra are just some of the names that Clarke has also played with.

Clarke replaced Stradlin in the GUNS lineup in 1991, during the "Use Your Illusion" tour, and stayed with the band for three years. After exiting GUNS N' ROSES, Clarke continued as a producer and solo artist, while also playing in SLASH'S SNAKEPIT, ROCK STAR SUPERNOVA, HEART and other acts.

Clarke, along with fellow GUNS N' ROSES members Slash, Duff McKagan, Steven Adler and Matt Sorum, played three "Appetite For Destruction" songs with Myles Kennedy at the band's Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame induction ceremony in April 2012 in Cleveland, Ohio, although Gilby himself was not inducted as part of the group. Kennedy, who handles lead vocals in Slash's solo band and ALTER BRIDGE, sang "Mr. Brownstone", "Sweet Child O' Mine" and "Paradise City", with "Use Your Illusion"-era member Sorum sitting behind the drum kit on "Brownstone" and the man he replaced in GN'R, Adler, pounding the skins for the other two songs.

In 2021, Clarke addressed his non-participation in GUNS N' ROSES' reunion tour, which features three-fifths of the group's classic lineup — singer Axl Rose, Slash and McKagan — during an interview with "The SDR Show". He said: "They didn't ask me to join the band; they asked me to come out and do [a guest appearance] with the band. And it just happened to be the day that I was in Chicago with my daughter. Her band was playing Lollapalooza [in July 2016]. And I'm actually her roadie. I don't think anybody would know how to tune the guitar if I wasn't there. Just kidding. But, yeah, it was just bad timing. I just said, 'Look, I think it's a great idea. I'm up for it. I just can't do it today.' And they literally asked me that day. And I never heard back from them after I said that."

Gilby also confirmed that he only had a week to learn the entire GUNS catalog when he first joined the band three and a half decades ago. "That's true," he said. "They told me on a Monday, that 'You have the gig,' and the next week we were flying to Boston for our first show. And I literally had a week. And remember, this is before YouTube. I was glued to their records with the headphones on, trying to learn the catalog. And the last song I learned was a song called 'Estranged', which was a really long ballad piece. And if you listen to it, it's kind of one-dimensional guitar-wise — it really just features Slash. So I was listening to it, and I really couldn't figure out what I should do in that song. So I went to Dizzy [Reed, GUNS keyboardist]. I go, 'Hey, man, can you sit down with me, and let's work on 'Estranged'.' I go, 'I just wanna kind of figure it out.' And he goes, 'Oh, well, here's the music book.' And he handed me the music book. And I went, 'There's a music book? I just spent a week learning every note by ear when I could have just grabbed the freakin' music book…' I mean, I read charts — it would have taken me an hour. I was a little pissed off that I didn't ask. They could have offered it to me."

Clarke's latest solo album, "The Gospel Truth", was released in April 2021 via Golden Robot Records.

w/ Troy Patrick Farrell EJ Curse
JUNE 19 House of Blues San Diego
w/ The Dead Daisies
JUNE 20 The 44 Sports Grill and Nightlife
JUNE 21 Backstage Bar & Billiards

Posted by Gilby Clarke on Monday, June 3, 2024

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